So…question for you: what would happen if we approached the events of our waking life as if we were observing a dream? There’s a meditation technique called Dream Yoga that requires tremendous discipline, study and isolation to prepare the practitioner to observe the illusion of his/her dream while in it. Much like Awareness in the iRest Yoga Nidra practice, Dream Yoga requires the practitioner to reside in the realm of the witnessing energy that animates each one of our bodies, allowing witnessing to be able to identify dreams as dreams and not reality.
Things You Only Know If You’ve Taken A Yoga Class
Things You Only Know If You’ve Taken A Yoga Class 1) Yoga holds a mirror up to your face and challenges you to identify what you see. 2) Yoga teachers are like politicians – some are professional bullshit artists, and some are genuinely concerned with making a difference. 3) A yoga class separates those who […]
Minding What Matters
I went into work today at Centre Luna Yoga to take advantage of the studio being closed till next week so I could close out the 2011 accounting year, and just being in the space, slugging away at the computer, brought me a sense of peace and clarity. When all the numbers were taken care of and I had turned off the computer, I found myself staring into the calm of the studio with a real sense of vision as to what I wanted to continue doing with my life and throughout the year ahead, and how to really go about that.
What’s Luck Got To Do With It?
Last month I came across and passed on the lecture given by Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor (Would vs Do) referring to the stroke she suffered, and her subsequent insights into the left and right brains. She encouraged us to be active participants in creating the reality within which we’d like to exist by deliberately tapping into the right brain networks, the inner peace circuitry that deals with energy and imagery.
After receiving requests from students over the past week (with whom I’ve shared my latest journalistic find), I am putting up an article written by psychologist Richard Wiseman, taken from UK’s Telegraph webpage, recounting his findings after a ten-year investigative foray into the concept of luck. His findings seemed to interconnect in a very organic way to Dr. Bolte Taylor’s findings, all of which simply reinforce my conviction that we are solely responsible for being the change we’d like to see in the world and that our individual realities are largely dictated by our approach to life. Enjoy the article, and feel free to leave any insights or comments after reading it…
Would vs do
I came across a link to a video today of a brain scientist, Jill Bolte Taylor, giving a lecture recounting her experience of having a stroke, and analyzing the gradual deterioration of her motor skills and perception throughout the ordeal. The words that come out of this woman’s mouth, the insight and inspiration that she […]