20130911-062244.jpgIt’s sunrise in Greece. I had this thought earlier this morning, after sleeping for 5 hours during my first night here in Paros: I love my life. A massive event took place last night as I ate dinner with the small group of eager students who had arrive a day before the start of this retreat, an event that, with little fanfare, was celebrated with raised glasses of wine and kind words from the gang…and at the risk of leaving you hanging, I’ll stay mum on said event until the time is right.

The event itself is irrelevant to the point I’m trying to make. The second I reflected on how much I love my life, I realized that it wasn’t MY life that I was feeling bowled over by, it was the possibilities contained within life itself. By calling it MY life, I felt like I was fraudulently claiming proprietary rights over it, which is ridiculous.

I’m currently living a period in my life where the possibilities that life has shown me could be more than mere possibilities are impressive and surprising and nurturing and humbling. These possibilities are not solely available to me, I’ve just made it my mission in life to explore the boundaries of what’s possible, of what could potentially redefine what I had foolishly believed life to be. These possibilities are not only available to every single one of us regardless of what colour our skin is, how much money we have in the bank, what are our education looks like on paper, and what language we speak…these possibilities are waiting. For each and every one of us.

That’s what I love. You should too.

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