IMG_6787I’ve been back from Greece for almost two weeks and one moment stands out in my memory more than others. All the students had left the island and Stephane and I were lying down in the sand dunes on a beach after spending the morning editing my upcoming book. We spent hours there soaking up the heat, going to cool off in the crystal blue waters of the Aegean sea and then coming back to our towels to simply laze around. It had been years since I had lounged around like that and it was wonderful. Once the sun started to descend and the lighting became more of a soft glow on the sand and the sea, we packed up our stuff and started walking back to our car. I was almost overcome by the feeling of fullness, of completeness, of being so, so grateful to be alive to experience this feeling of being alive. I told Stephane how lucky we were, and he replied by saying how we may be lucky to have bodies that are healthy and functional and to live in a part of the world where democracy and freedom reign, but that the rest of it was up to us. He reminded me that all the decisions I make in my life, the ones I make for how I will create space for my students at home and abroad as well as the ones I make that are in keeping with how I want my life to be, have nothing to do with luck. They have to do with intention, hard work, perseverance and a stubbornness to never settle for anything less than exactly what I envision.

I believe that everyone should be living the life they dream of. I believe that every one of us should be making decisions that bring us to a place where we are so grateful to be alive and to experience the wonder and the greatness that is available to those of us who are lucky enough to have food, shelter, health and freedom. Everything I do in my career is intended to facilitate the journey towards living those moments for all of you who read my words, hear me lecture, take my classes & workshops and follow me around the world for our yoga vacations.

Pursue your joy. At every opportunity. Live those moments that leave you vibrating with vitality, gratitude and wonder. A life not lived in joy is a life that will potentially end in bitterness, resentment and regret. That is not how we are meant to live. Pursue your joy and don’t settle for anything less.

2 Responses

  1. Sharing these insights always seems to reach me when I need the reminder about my own journey… help to set me me back in alignment with my own purpose, that I then inventory my own moments of significance and continue onward.
    Thanks again Bram,
    I even escaped into your travel and was a third wheel on the beach with you and Stephane, poached the warmth and sunshine I needed as I read. Lol

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