If You Read One Blog Post, Make It This One

More shootings. More terrorist attacks. More opinions being slung into the collective consciousness. More judgement. More blame. More division. More “I am me and you are you and I have nothing to do with you.” Let’s just get to the fucking point, shall we? I say it incessantly in classes, workshops, lectures and retreats, but […]

Re-Repairing My Cabin

Let me set the scene for you: I’m lying back on a zero-gravity garden lounger on the stone terrace that separates the Old Rectory from the sprawling green lawn that rolls away from the house for some fifty meters. The lawn sprawls away into the overhang of the wall of trees that softly shades the […]

What We Don’t Know

I am currently studying Islam and the Quran through an online course with Harvard University because I was aware of my ignorance when it came to the religion and belief system that over a billion people ascribe to today. I suspected that what I had been exposed to through media and the opinions of others weren’t entirely accurate or fact-based, and as someone who believes that all talk of God is talk of peace, I wanted to investigate.

Berlin Musings

As I take some time following the Prague Yoga Vacation to unwind in Berlin, I find myself observing sensations and emotions bubbling up that fascinate me.  I’m in my favourite city in the world, the one I’d live in if I ever left Montreal. The current weather is hot and sunny, and all is well […]

The Queen’s Been Slain

As a general rule, I don’t get up early. I have created a schedule that allows me to sleep in 6 out of 7 days a week, and I often teach the importance of getting as much sleep as possible. And yet on this lazy, rainy Sunday morning I find myself woken up at 7:40am (!!!!) by words forming in my mind that should have been written decades ago, but were not. I suppose that’s because they had to come from me, and, apparently, that is what this morning had in store for me.

Loss Lessons

With the passings of some of modern culture’s most influential and prolific artists like David Bowie and Prince, I’ve had some students asking me what I believe is going on and how to deal with such immeasurable losses.  I do my best to see the symbolic meaning behind literal events. I also spend a large […]

Top 50 Yoga Blogs – doyouyoga.com

This week in classes I’ve been asking students how their day-to-day experience might be altered by waking up every morning asking, “I wonder what amazingness today will have in store for me” as opposed to waking up and thinking, “I don’t want to go to work.”


Today is one of those days when this blog becomes so much more than some words written for the benefit of others. Today I am using this medium to pay hommage to a woman who changed my life. If my post from last year about my teacher, Joan Ruvinsky, went unnoticed, check it out here.

Top 50 Yoga Blogs

I’m very happy to see that this site has been included in a new compilation of the Top 50 Yoga Blogs!


Why would you doubt your worth? Why would you pretend to be someone else? Why would you settle for mediocrity? Why would you waste this precious time by doing what you’d prefer not to? Why would you do what everyone else is doing? Why wouldn’t you ask for help when you need it? Why wouldn’t […]