Facebook reminded me today of what I have been thinking about over the last few days. It’s been a decade. 10 years ago I held up my end of the deal that I made with whatever I believed God to be when I asked for a sign that I should leave the security and stability of my then-career. It’s been a decade. Mind-boggling. A decade of firsts. A decade of working harder than I ever thought possible. A decade of experiencing life at a level of beauty and inspiration that I had never known was possible. A decade of pursuing my intention of helping others heal. A decade of traveling around the world with people to offer them transformational experiences that show THEM how life can be experienced at that level of beauty and inspiration. A decade immersed, without trying to sound trite or cliché, in love and emanating that love outwardly in no specific direction. A decade of stepping onto my true path, the one my life had been preparing me for all the while leading up to October 15, 2008. A decade of support. From you all. From my guy. From my family and my extended family. A decade of wisdom and learning and trial by error.

Thank you all. For paying attention. For allowing me to be part of your narratives, in whatever way that has taken place. Thank you for giving me the space, time and opportunity to do what I am alive in this body to do. Ten years, and yet I feel like it’s just the beginning.

Here’s to the next ten. And to all the tens that follow. 🙏🏼❤️

2 Responses

  1. What you do and what you write is great. Specially the part about being immersed in love and to emmanate that love without specific direction. I guess we are all messengers, catalyzers or bridges of energy, and we can choose to move the good energy with us. 🙂

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